
Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu, Lei Chen, Xuchuan Shen, Ruizhe Huang, Dongyan Zhao, gStore: A Graph-based SPARQL Query Engine, VLDB Journal , 23(4): 565-590, 2014.

Lei Zou, Jinghui Mo, Lei Chen,M. Tamer Özsu, Dongyan Zhao, gStore: Answering SPARQL Queries Via Subgraph Matching, Proc. VLDB 4(8): 482-493, 2011.

Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu: Graph-Based RDF Data Management. Data Science and Engineering 2(1): 56-70 (2017).

Xuchuan Shen, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu, Lei Chen, Youhuan Li, Shuo Han, Dongyan Zhao, A Graph-based RDF Triple Store, in Proc. 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015; (demo).

Dong Wang, Lei Zou, Yansong Feng, Xuchuan Shen, Jilei Tian, and Dongyan Zhao, S-store: An Engine for Large RDF Graph Integrating Spatial Information, in Proc. 18th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), pages 31-47, 2013.

Dong Wang, Lei Zou and Dongyan Zhao, gst-Store: An Engine for Large RDF Graph Integrating Spatiotemporal Information, in Proc. 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), pages 652-655, 2014 (demo).

Peng Peng, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu, Lei Chen, Dongyan Zhao, Processing SPARQL queries over distributed RDF graphs. VLDB Journal (2016) (accepted, to appear) , VLDB Journal.

Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Lei Chen, Dongyan Zhao, Query Workload-based RDF Graph Fragmentation and Allocation. EDBT (2016) (accepted, to appear) , EDBT.

Lei Zou, Yueguo Chen, A Survey of Large-Scale RDF Data Management, Comunications of CCCF Vol.8(11): 32-43, 2012 (Invited Paper, in Chinese).