[2022 TKDE] Graph Stream Sketch: Summarizing Graph Streams with High Speed and Accuracy

Xiangyang Gou’s paper 《Graph Stream Sketch: Summarizing Graph Streams with High Speed and Accuracy》,which is about graph stream summarization, has been accepted by TKDE 2022.

This paper is an extension version of the paper accepted by ICDE 2019. graph stream is a continuous sequence of data items, in which each item indicates an edge. It forms a dynamic graph that changes with every item. Graph streams play important roles in cyber security, social networks and more. In this paper, we propose a novel Graph Stream Sketch (GSS for short) to summarize the graph streams, which has linear space cost O(|E|) (|E| is the number of edges in the graph) and high update speed, and supports most kinds of queries over graph streams with controllable errors. We further propose several techniques, including acceleration with FPGA, to improve its performance. We also carry out extensive experiments to verify its superiority compared to prior work.