[2021 APWeb-WAIM] Store-C: A Transactional RDF Store With a Light-weight Optimistic Lock
Zhe Zhang's paper "Store-C: A Transactional RDF Store With a Light-weight Optimistic Lock " has been accepted by APWeb-WAIM 2021.
Graph database system is widely applied in lots of areas such as social network, knowledge graph, risk detection etc. The current
mainstream graph database pays more attention to query upon big graph and offers an ability of graph analysis. However, these systems
overlook the performance of updates on graph and transaction processing. Although mainstream graph databases provide the ability of
transaction processing. There are still some issues about the performance and latency of transaction procession in these systems. Moreover,
many of these systems can not offer strict isolation, which limits their application.
This paper presents a new set of designs of transaction processing model in graph database against the issues above mentioned. We
build a complete set of concurrency control based on multi-version concurrency control protocol(MVCC) so that graph database can
satisfy ACID-complaint. In addition, there are possibly write-write conflicts between transaction threads. To solve the conflicts, this
paper proposes a light-weight optimistic locking. The design of transaction processing model proposed in this paper are fully
implemented in open-source database system gStore. It is demonstrated that gStore can provide the ability of online
transaction processing.