[2018 SIGMOD] IMPROVE-QA: An Interactive Mechanism for RDF Question/Answering Systems

 Xinbo Zhang's paper (IMPROVE-QA: An Interactive Mechanism for RDF Question/Answering Systems) is accepted by SIGMOD 2018 as a demonstration.

we design an Interactive Mechanism aiming for PROmotion Via feedback to Q/A systems (IMPROVE-QA), a whole platform to make existing Q/A systems return more precise answers (denoted as Q′(D)) to users. Based on user’s feedback over Q(D), IMPROVE-QA automatically refines the original query Q into a new query graph Q′ with minimum modifications, where Q′(D) provides more precise answers. We will also demonstrate how IMPROVE-QA can apply the “lesson” learned from the user in each query to improve the precision of Q/A systems on subsequent natural language questions.