Yuqi Zhou


Master Student

Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies,

Peking University



 Yuqi Zhou graduated from Peking University in 2020, majoring in computer science. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree and minor in economics.In 2023, he received a master's degree in data science at the Acedemy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies of Peking University.


Main research directions:


Graph database system gStore:

Improving the existing graph algorithms by graph-based method, especially the query that limits the number of results or the query that sorts the results by some rules.  Look at https://github.com/pkumod/gStore for more information.


Distributed Graph Database System gMaster:

 With gStore built on each node, Yuqi Zhou uses a distributed graph database system named gMaster to study the methods for improving the storage and query strategy of graph data in the distributed system.